Welcome to my website!
This is my personal website which im working on as a hobby! Im still pretty new to coding so updates might be slow. I wanna use this site to collect my art and the different projects that ive worked on, as well as show off some fun extras from my other interests. Have a look around and i hope you find something you like :)
[06/07/2024] Updated Media Log and added Games to favelist
[16/11/2023] Added in a Favourites section on my Media Log! Right now it's got some of my fave manga and movies - gonna add games soon :)
[15/11/2023] Anigifs and stamps on front page :3 Working on expanding the Media Log to also have a section of favourites
[05/11/2023] New page added - Media Log! I've catalouged some of the stuff i've watched, read, and played this year if you wanna have a peak. I've also been updating my About page with more links to other great neocities pages!
[31/10/2023] re-did my home page. i decided to change the layout to a three-column set up so i could fit more art and images in the sidebars. also put more texture into the backgrounds and across the site, as well as fixing colour palettes to be more unified. a lot of visual work basically!
[29/10/2023] art gallery pages set up
[28/10/2023] set up home page :3